Everything happens for a good reason

There lived a king who once happened to cut his finger accidentally. On seeing this the minister remarked:

"Everything happens for a good reason"

This made the king very furious, he ordered his guards to sentence his minister. The minister was put into a dungeon. After a few days the King happened to go hunting in a jungle. The king usually would go hunting accompanied with his minister. But this time he was all alone.

This jungle had a tribe and the members of the jungle tribe captured the king and decided to sacrifice the king to their deity. Before performing the ritualistic sacrifice, the tribesmen discover the scar left by the cut on his finger and decide that the king is unfit for sacrifice as per the rituals and they release him.

The King remembers the words said by his minister and is so thankful. He returns to the palace pondering over the fact on how his minister had been so right when he had remarked: "Everything happens for a good reason". Had the cut not happened then he would have been dead by now.

The King ordered the guards and had his minister released from the dungeon immediately. The king explains everything to the minister and says:

"You had been right when you had said that all happens for a good reason, the cut saved my life today, I apologize for having you thrown into the dungeon".

The minister replies:

"Your majesty, you need not apologize for having thrown me into the dungeon, if you had not done so, I would most certainly have accompanied you to the hunt and may have been captured along with you. The tribesmen would have left you, but sacrificed me instead. It had to be thrown into a dungeon and it happened for a good reason again".


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